mom of boys
Moms On a Mission M.O.M.

Let Them Do The Hard Things

Hey Boy Mama,

Let them do the hard things.

It’s hard to see our babies begin to grow and take on the world’s challenges. 

It’s hard to see them try and possibly fail. 

It’s hard to watch them work hard, strive, prepare, put in the time, and not know if it will pay off. 

Let me let you in on a little secret… 

It ALWAYS pays off.

It pays off by watching the evolution of your boy into a man!

Let your boys do the hard things.

Let them do the hard things because soon, the hard things become the lessons. 

They become the very thing that taught them grit, the thing that inspired courage, the thing that grew endurance. 

What a shame it would be to keep your boys safe from every disappointment, failure, or obstacle. 

To keep them from growing and maturing. 

To keep them from seeing just how amazing they were created. 

To keep them from knowing all their potential. 

To keep them from experiencing that incredible sense of accomplishment that only comes by overcoming!

Hard things stand at the gate of every boy, taunting them to turn back, but it’s only through that gate they learn resilience, fortitude, and stoicism. 

It is through that gate a man is born. 

A man who will not back down when adversity comes.

 A man who will stand strong when the world whimpers. 

A man who will chase his God-given dreams. 

A man who will try, quite possibly fail, but try again. 

A man who will not know the word “quit” because “quit” is not even in his vocabulary. 

It will be hard.

It will be hard for you both.

But, the hard things will be the transforming things. 


Let them do the hard things.