moms of boys on a mission
Moms On a Mission M.O.M.

Dear Fathers Of Daughters,

Dear Fathers of Daughters,

Please stop saying you are going to greet your daughter’s date with a shotgun on the front porch when he arrives to pick her up. 

There I said it!

This Boy Mama has had enough. 

There are numerous mothers out there who are raising up responsible and admirable men! 

Men who will and want to respect women like your daughter. Men who will greet you with a firm handshake and say “yes sir” or “no sir”. Men who will open a car door and pull out a chair. Men who have standards. Men who can recognize red flags in a relationship. Men who can discern between a woman of the world and a virtuous woman. Men who seek to honor God in all that they do, including their relationships. Men who will work hard to provide. Men who will be great leaders in their homes. Men who will one day raise up another generation of Godly boys who will do the same and Godly daughters who will not find value in flaunting their bodies to the world but in developing a heart for their Creator. 

Dear Fathers of Daughters…please quit demonizing all males in your daughter’s eyes. Please stop tainting the chauvinistic lens she will see all males through for the rest of her life. There are a lot of us “Boy Moms” pouring our lives into this world’s future son-in-laws.

We know you love your daughter. We feel tremendous pressure and responsibility knowing that this little boy on our lap will one day be responsible for her. We have prayed hundreds of times for your little girl, although we may not know her yet. And if you train your daughter to identify the right kind of man, you won’t need to greet him with a shotgun when he shows up at your door. 


I’m sure if you ask him, my son would love to go shooting with you and your shotgun. He also has a dad with an arsenal and they both have had lots of practice;) You would probably get along great! 


Moms of Boys Everywhere

(To read more articles like this one visit… M.oms O.n a M.ission)